New Visitation Guidelines

April 21, 2021
COVID UPDATE: Effective Immediately, 4/21/21:
Good evening friends,
Well, the only thing that is certain-is that nothing is certain! But in this case-it’s all good! As we mentioned just two days ago, we were mandated per ISDH directives to suspend visitation due to our staff positive case. That was then, this is now!
We complied with the initial directive and at the same time submitted an appeal with the state on your behalf and they have reversed their decision and we are once again OPEN FOR VISITATION AND EXCURSIONS! Communal dining is also restored!
EFFECTIVE immediately, Assisted Living and Healthcare visitation and excursions are restored to the previously published days and times:
- Daily: 9-11:30am, 1-4:30pm and 6-7:30pm
- 2-Guests at a time. All visitors must be over age 14.
- Visit to take place in resident’s room (AL or Rehab) or a resident’s private room in Healthcare.
- Visitors to semi-private rooms in Healthcare must check in for location visiting options at Nurse’s Station.
- On nice weather days, visitation with any resident may be held outdoors in one of our beautiful garden areas.
- Visitors MUST remain in designated areas—Do not mingle or visit other residents.
- If visiting two different residents, visitor must check out of 1st visit and re-check in at the Front Registration area.
- Masks to be worn at all times by resident AND visitor.
- Masks must be worn properly over nose AND mouth.
- No Food or Drink during the visit that would require removing of a mask.
- Strive to maintain Social Distancing of 6’ between resident AND visitor.
- Sanitize/Wash hands before and after visit.
Assisted Living and Healthcare Excursions with Family Members:
- 9am to 7pm Daily.
- See instructions at Front Desk.
- The Living Wisdom Center/Dementia visitation remains suspended until 4/27.
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
Ephesians 4:2
As advocates for increasing family connections, we are obviously pleased to provide these expanded opportunities. As you are likely aware, the ISDH has just issued new guidance for visitation and off-campus excursions this week. We continue to have serious concerns regarding the risks associated with these directives. As you also are aware, we are licensed to operate as a health facility by the Indiana State Department of Health. As such, we must comply with ISDH directives to the best of our ability.
We simply want to share our concerns with you to enable you to make informed decisions. These new State mandates are not optimal in mitigation of COVID and consequently, we are asking you to do your part to help us mitigate the inherent risks of these directives with your compliance during your visits and excursions. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and hope you enjoy your time together.
Please understand that a reoccurrence of COVID has a dramatic impact on our entire Community. Please do your part to keep us on the path to continued freedom.
Visitation Information Update #2
- Starting: 3/18/21
New Visitation Hours:
- M-F: 9-11:30am and 1-4:30pm and 6-7:30pm
- Saturday and Sunday 1-5pm (same)
Visitation Guidelines:
- Only two guests maximum are allowed at one time (Age 14 and Older).
- Guests must check-in at the front desk with temperature taken and COVID questionnaires completed.
- After Check-In, guests must go directly to the resident’s room and remain there for visit.
- Healthcare residents living in semiprivate rooms will be directed to a common area for their visit unless their roommate agrees to leave the room.
- During nice weather, visits can be outside with all residents.
- There will be no food or drinks during the visit which would require the removal of masks.
- There will be no visitation during lunch and dinner mealtimes.
Mandatory COVID precautions MUST be followed during the entire visit.
**Masks MUST be worn properly by resident and guests at all times.
**Social distancing of 6’ between resident and guests
** Hand washing or sanitizing before and after visit
Failure to follow these parameters could result in the loss of visitation privileges
and 14-day quarantine of resident. Guests must sign-out at Front Desk before leaving.
- New Off-Campus Excursion Expectations for Assisted Living and Healthcare Starting: 3/18/21
New Off-Campus Excursion Expectations:
Daily between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- Driver of vehicle must check in at the Front Desk and have their temperature taken, complete COVID questionnaire, and complete expectation signature form.
- Driver must be aware of health status of those who are in close proximity to resident during outing
- Please strive to limit close contact with others, especially when in close quarters for extended period of time
- Hubbard provided resident transport must return directly from appointment
Mandatory COVID precautions MUST be followed during the entire outing.
**Masks MUST be worn properly by resident and guests at all times.
**Social distancing of 6’ between resident and guests
** Hand washing or sanitizing before and after visit
Failure to follow these parameters could result in the loss of outing privileges
and 14-day quarantine of resident. Residents must sign-in at Front Desk upon return.